Ellie was referred to hapi by a local supported accommodation provider for support to find suitable accommodation and assistance to become more financially stable. Ellie had been living in a private foster care arrangement until she turned 16 years of age. Ellie then returned home to family but found that the house was very overcrowded and there was no space for her there. Ellie was then asked to leave by her mother and found herself sofa surfing for over 6 months.
19 year old Molly was referred to us for life skills support. Despite being a carer for both her mother and sister, and financially contributing towards the family, Molly wasn't given a bed in the family home, and had been sofa surfing since she was 14. Molly was desperate to find a job and somewhere to live.
Jack, a 17 year old male, was made to sofa surf for 8 months after his relationship with his family broke down. Jack was referred to the Night Shelter by Child Services, where he was given emergency accommodation. Jack needed support to find permanent accommodation, as well as advice for how to move forward.
Sam was an 18 year old male who had been asked to leave the family home. He had been staying on a friend’s sofa until this arrangement broke down. He was now faced with the prospect of sleeping rough. Sam also had stage 4 chronic kidney disease, and wore a catheter. He needed a safe place to stay, as well as support with his housing application, and was referred to Breathing Space.
Josh* was referred by his mother for mediation; Josh had been stealing from his mother and siblings to pay for his cannabis use. Josh’s mother was at a loss as to where to go for support, and was sign-posted to HAPI via social media. Josh’s mum did not want to ask her son to leave home, but felt that without support she may not have any other choice.
Breathing Space Lancashire is here to help young people aged 14-25 who are at risk of homelessness. The project is here to provide the best advice, guidance and signposting to young people, their friends and families so that together we can keep young people safe.